Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Getting Chinese Medicine: Successful.

Today I helped my flatmate, Jose, order food in Chinese (aka I asked him what he wanted - okay I told him he should try nan chou rou (basically naan (bread) plus delicious meat - and ordered for him.)

Then after this he told me he wanted medicine for his cold. Everyone in Beijing is getting sick right now, only 4 people (myself included) showed up to class today. We stopped by Lotus which is this huge supermarket, but they don't sell medicine there.

There is this pharmacy in the bottom of our apartment complex, but on the other side. We went there and I was able to describe his problems in Chinese (+1 Level for me!) and I learned new words today. 一次3粒,一日2次 Means 3 pills, two times during the day.
粒 = (li = pill)
一次几粒= each time x pills
一日几次= each day x times
x= any number (几)

Wooooo success!
I now have something called
感冒清热胶囊 (Ganmao qingre jiaonang)
Which from what I can tell helps alleviate head problems from sinuses, but isn't pseuophedrine (like Sudafed).

We shall see how this goes. Tomorrow I want to go to the hospital (well I might go to Sanlitun tomorrow to see if I can get my computer battery fixed, so maybe friday morning).


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