Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Playing dumb can be a good strategy in China.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Baiyaqi. (Or mariachi or beyatch as people have heard.) She was parking her bike while she went to go food shopping. She put it close to another bike, locked it, and went shopping. When she came back, she unlocked her bike, put her groceries in her basket and started to leave to go home. When she went about 3 or 4 steps, someone grabbed the back of her bike. What?!

"Xiaowai!" Baiyaqi turns around. She just stares. The man holds up 3 fingers and goes "3 jiao". Baiyaqi turns around and tries moving her bike, to no avail.

The guy again says "3 jiao!" Baiyaqi then says "Shenme?!! (what?!)"

"3 jiao!" the guy, yet again, repeats?

"Shenme?!" Baiyaqi demands.

"3 jiao - Mister, can you explain to this xiaohai (little foreigner) why 3 jiao?!"

Baiyaqi continues to look clueless. Man frustrated goes off in search of another victim.

Basically I think he wanted 3 jiao because he "watched my bike". Wtf bro? I had no idea what was going on at first, but then after not saying anything the guy just got frustrated and left. I don't understand how one spot on the street, where just about anyone parks their bikes, suddenly becomes his responsibility to watch. Scratch that, I didn't even know people watched bikes! I'm not paying some random guy that walks up to me and demands money.

Laowai: 1 bike dude demanding money: 0

Anyways so I didn't pay him. Thanks random chinese guy that helped me in that situation. Sorry old bro, maybe next time (...not!)

P.s. finally bought an electric kettle. booyah american mac and cheese I can finally make you! Also I had the most delicious baozi today! It's like a meat pastry, <3 so good!

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