Sunday, October 16, 2011

All hail the wondrous streetfood of Beijing. (JK Weekend Update)

Things have been going well, albeit a little crazy. Just back to the grind of daily life in Beijing (who am I kidding, I love it here). Our class is like a small, tight knit family. I love it!

On Saturday I finally experienced the Beijing Zoo and Sanlitun! (三里屯) or in Beijingese, Sanlituar. The Beijing Zoo = kind of depressing. All of the people I know from China don't get why foreigners think it's a little depressing. It is basically a cage within the cage and that's it. There is nothing for the animals to do besides pace (if they can) and sleep. So sad.

The pandas were so cute!!!!!
(Insert panda picture here once I find my cord :o )

Sanlitun was pretty awesome! We went to this awesome (for China) pizza place. It was pretty good Italian style pizza, and then we went shopping :D. I need to go back there to the Apple Store, because charging my computer here evidently is messing up my battery. But it's one of the 3 authorized apple stores in Beijing (all the rest are fakes...uh oh.) I was hanging out with the Mormons, Luke bailed, and a bunch of random people from Capital Normal. It was full of shenanigans as we explore the bar street (and realized we started going to the bars around 7:30 and me and the swiss people were the only ones that could drink being the non-mormons).

Theeeeen we went to this pretty cool dumpling-esque place? I say dumpling-esque because I forget the name of the dumpling things we had. It's a certain kind of dumpling that also has soup in it. Anyone?

Then more bar hopping and what not. Found another Doner Kebab place. I have literally found one in every single country I have been in. US, Hungary, Italy, Austria, Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium, The Netherlands, etc. DONER KEBAB. The real thing taking over the world haha.

Sunday is the day of soccer. I woke myself up early, dragged myself out of bad, biked to the field by C lou and played a match. Pierre thought I was sick (I just woke that's what I look like). My team ended up winning, and I scored 3 of the 5 goals my team made. Boo-yah. We played until 1ish until we all decided we were hungry. I tried some pretty balling dumplings (I <3 dumplings!) and some type of fruit/pork chinese specialty soup.

And then biked to Lush (expat bar) and did homework for about 5 hours. Whomp.


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